n. A nonverbal language that facilitates communication among those indigenous to Planet Earth through states of being, feeling, and behaving.
This language is not bound by inert symbolism. Rather, this language leaves a unique, unrepeatable, non-replicable mark with each interaction, and it is in a constant state of change.
Earthspeak is grounded in living reality. It is private to biological intelligence that experiences birth, life, and death in interdependence with the rest of the Planet. It is a birthright and accessible to all plant and animal species, as well as living elements that facilitate life and death: water, air, soil, and fire.
Related works
Group art sessions
to release anxiety, activist burnout, overwhelming thoughts, and hard-to-name emotions.
The Morphic Unit Method, single-line abstract doodling exercise created for an online, meditative, asynchronous, yet serendipitous group setting.
Artwork published in CPA Explorations Journal Issue 2.
Accompanying Kelvin Hall’s essay. “How to enter the zone: discovering dialogue with other-than-human life.”