This short contemplates the lives of birds in Los Angeles. The shots were taken over the course of 7 years, at the intersection of Sunset Blvd and Crescent Heights, the artist's neighborhood of 10 years. Filmed and narrated by Asli Sonceley Shot between April 2012 - 2019 Edited in May 2019

Pigeon Worries

This video poetry scopes the lives of pigeons in Los Angeles. I captured the footage between 2012 and 2019, at the Sunset + Crescent Heights intersection of my neighborhood. Birds' behavior echoes human migrations, hinting at my climate anxiety, materialized by the architectural transformations in my city.

Screenings & Festivals

  • Winner: Best Vertical Film
    6th Festival Internazionale del Cinema Povero, Ispra Italy, 2019

  • Featured Artist
    Murze Film Festival, Digital, 2019
    Interview with Murze Magazine

  • Official Selection
    Vertical Movie Festival, Rome Italy, 2019


“Gives me a sense of relief from the upcoming solitude of our species to see them resting steadily on a lamp post.”